
Category: Feature Updates

Global & Local Course Landing Page

What is it & why you need it

We understand the importance of making a great first impression, especially when it comes to showcasing your courses. Now, you can have more customization control over how your courses are presented to your audience.

With this feature, you have three distinct design options to choose from, each designed to help you highlight your content in the best possible way. You can even choose a different design for any particular course that might need special attention.

This will not only improve the visual appeal of your course offerings, but also increase student engagement and ultimately drive more conversions.

How it works

You can apply any design globally across all your courses for consistency, or if you have a special course that deserves its own unique look, you can select a different design specifically for that course.

If you do not select any design specifically for a course, then the global settings will apply. Once you choose a design locally for a course, then the default global one will be overridden.

How to get started using it

To start, log in to your EzyCourse dashboard and navigate to Site Settings -> Global Settings.

Scroll down to find the “Select Course Details Page” section. 

You can preview any design to get a better look. 

The template you choose on the Global Settings page will become the default template for all the courses, unless you set the template locally for any particular course. To set locally, go to Courses -> Edit (on the course you want to change).

Select the Setting tab.

From here, you’ll find the local landing page templates on the Landing page option. Choosing any one here will mean it will apply on this particular course only.

Here are the three designs you can use for now: