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Category: Feature Updates

New Seat Purchase Process for Organization Orders

What is it and why you need it

With this new feature update, when any user is manually enrolled in an organization order and wants to purchase more seats, they’ll be redirected to the checkout page. Once the payment is completed, the seats will be added to their organization order. 

However, if the user is enrolled via checkout, they can buy additional seats without going through the checkout process again, as their payment method is saved.

How to get started using it

Students can see all their organization purchases from Organization Orders. To view details of an specific order, they can click the three dots on an organization order and select the View Details option.


Clicking on the Buy seats button will take the user to the checkout page where they can pay using the payment methods that you’ve enabled for your site. But for now, only “Paypal” and “Stripe” is available, other payment gateways will be added soon for using this new feature update.

[Note: Although payment with Stripe will be processed immediately, but the payment made with PayPal will be billed on the next cycle. But, the number of seats purchased will be updated for your customers immediately.]


On the checkout page, they can simply enter the number of seats they’d like to add in the quantity field, then fill in the remaining required details, and complete the purchase.

[Note: Only tiered pricing will be visible on the checkout page; other pricing options, if you’ve set, will be hidden.]


Notice that the purchased seats are being added to the total number of seats.

