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Category: Feature Updates

A comprehensive analytics: Unveiling Student History!

Log in to your dashboard and navigate to the Analytics section. Here, you'll find the all-new "Student History" feature. Click on it to open up a wealth of data that provides a comprehensive overview of your students' interactions on your platform.


Searching for a Student

Want to dive deep into a specific student's history? Use the search function to look up a student's name. The system will generate a detailed report containing all relevant information about that particular student.


Overview of Pages Visited

In the report, you'll find a list of pages visited by the selected student. Each entry includes the page name, link, and the time the student accessed it. Gain valuable insights into their journey, helping you understand their interests and engagement patterns.


Additionally, you can see the student's online status and how long ago they were last active on the platform.

Dive into the wealth of information, customize your approach, and watch your students thrive. Ready to explore? Head to your Analytics section now and unlock the potential of Student History!