Order Bump Pricing
How to Set Order Bump Pricings on EzyCourse
EzyCourse lets you set four types of pricings for an order bump. One-time plan, subscription plan, split payment, and donation plan. Also, using the multi-currency feature you can offer your order bump in multiple currencies.
You can set the pricing when creating a new order bump from Deals & Sales → Order Bumps → Add Order Bump → select the Price tab.

Or, you can change/update the price when editing an existing order bump from the Price tab.
[Note: You can’t change the pricing plan once you have created the order bump.]

You can select the One-time plan pricing option and set the price along with the strikethrough price.

For subscription plan pricing, you can choose the interval and the interval count.

If you want to choose the Split Payment Plan, then you choose the interval, interval count, and total installment number.

Last but not least, you can offer the order bump as a donation by choosing the Donation Plan. However, you can still give a default and minimum amount (which is optional) if you want to give a small hint to the user.